Today is consolidation domination, as we have both Day 754 and Day 755 news.

First up, Fuel The Mule: Part 8 and part 1 of The Art Of Yet Another Rallying Cry have both been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar.

Steve Kaycee has completed his assessment of the Vin Diesel movie "Bloodshot".

The span tracker within the parenthesis on the Nogchives page has updated, as well as both the Bloopers page and its manual counter. And speaking of Bloopers, the widget that tracks the streak of blooper-free days has been changed to 0, in advance of a blooper that will be added to the aforementioned Bloopers page tomorrow.

The Evaluation Pool Rankings Board on both The Ones That Remain page and The Deep End page has updated, therefore also causing the Fight For The Final 25 page to update.

In two news items that didn't happen, due to the combination of Steve Kaycee feeling mentally fatigued and committing himself to two other projects, Gnomeo & Juliet's evaluation wasn't completed and will be completely restarted on July 24, 2020, while the 25% off everything special in SwaneWorld (Steve Kaycee's Etsy shop) didn't occur yesterday. However, the latter of those two things did occur today. For more information, please click here.

And finally in one final (we really promise this time) subtraction from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page, the Amanda Seyfried movie "Gone" has traded to that page in exchange for Colombiana, Five Feet Apart and two movies that will most likely be named sometime in September.

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.


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